Israel announced Sunday that it was halting the electricity supply to the Gaza Strip to pressure Hamas into releasing ...
Il ministro dell'Energia israeliano ha disposto l'interruzione della fornitura dell'elettricità alla Striscia di Gaza. Hamas ...
Israeli and Qatari delegations arrived in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Thursday for Gaza ceasefire talks, with the ...
以色列政府星期天(3月2日)宣布,将暂停一切物资与供应进入加沙,而且如果哈马斯拒不接受以色列有关临时延长在加沙停火的提议,那么它就要面对“后果”。 “本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin ...
(华盛顿27日讯)扬言接管加沙地带的美国总统特朗普,近日在社交媒体上分享一支人工智能(AI)生成短视频,这个战火纷飞的地区将变成一座豪华度假胜地,似乎是在展示他的加沙愿景。《纽约邮报》报导,特朗普于周二(25日)在旗下社交平台Truth ...
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump mette Hamas di fronte a un ultimatum: lasciare Gaza e liberare gli ostaggi prima ...
China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the council's rotating president this month, and Arab countries highly value China's unique and important role, Abdelatty said, ...