在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普对加拿大发出威胁后,总理贾斯汀·特鲁多领导的自由党在民调中的支持率飙升,缩小了自2023年中期以来保守党竞争对手一直保持的两位数领先优势。 渥太华大学政治学教授吕克·图尔根(Luc ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(川普,Donald Trump)正逐步向俄罗斯靠拢,颠覆数十年来的美国外交政策。 他在乌克兰战争的和平协议问题上站在普京(Vladimir Putin,普丁)一边,向乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr ...
3月9日,加拿大前央行行长马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)以压倒性优势当选执政党自由党党首,将接替特鲁多出任加拿大总理。 卡尼誓言将赢得对美贸易战,称将维持对美商品的报复性关税,直到“美国展现应有尊重”。 现年59岁的卡尼轻松击败对手得到近86%的选票,此前从未担任民选公职。 他将带领自由党迎战最迟于10月举行的联邦大选。外界普遍认为,他很可能提前启动选举。目前反对党保守党仍在民调中领先,但受 ...
The first 10 minutes were encouraging as the Hammers caused Newcastle problems down the wings and if Tomas Soucek had scored ...
Thirty-six people have been brought ashore after a cargo vessel hit an oil tanker off the East Yorkshire coast.
Graham Carey's stunning 30-yard strike secured St Johnstone's spot in the Scottish Cup semi-finals against holders Celtic as ...
St Johnstone manager Simo Valakari told BBC Scotland: "First of all, we should talk about Andy Fisher's saves in the first ...
An Oxford MP has defended the government's free school breakfast club programme after claims it is not adequately financed.
St Johnstone have fuelled their relegation escape bid with their Cup exploits and now they have the reward of a trip to ...
Graham Carey. Has to be the man that won it, but a word for Andy Fisher too. The goalkeeper was pointed out by his manager ...
Como resultado de la guerra comercial entre Canadá y EE.UU., el gobernador del estado canadiense de Ontario impuso un recargo ...
New film coming to BBC Northern Ireland tells the incredible story of three Parish Priests who burst on to the music scene ...